Directions to Sunset Oaks Venue:

Conveniently located on State HWY 110 N between Tyler and Lindale. Click Here for Link to Google Maps

sign outside of Sunset Oaks Venue in Tyler, Texas

Sign is tucked away at the top of the driveway/hill. It is not incredibly visible from the road until you get close.


From I-20 and State Hwy. 110, travel South East towards tyler for 9.3 miles, and Sunset Oaks is on the right (across from a water tower and church).

From Lindale at I-20 and Hwy. 69, travel South on Hwy. 69 for 3.4 mi, turn right on FM 3271 and travel for 2.4 mi. Turn right on HWY 110 N, and travel for 1,000 ft. Sunset Oaks is on the left (across from a water tower and church)

From Tyler, TX, at the Loop 323 and Hwy 110, (at Royal Donuts), turn North West and travel for 5.5 miles. Sunset oaks is on the left (across from a water tower and church)

Thank you to Simply Great Photography, Love and Light Photo Co, Lizzie Hillard Photography, and Stone Studios for the images on this page.